Special offer for group pre-New-Year's-Eve celebrations

Perla, the brightest star in the world of entertainment offers in the period preceding New Year’s Eve plenty of possibilities for unforgettable entertainment. 

Be it a pre-New Year’s Eve lunch or dinner, a themed evening, a pre-New Year's Eve meeting with the possibility to stay in a hotel overnight, a party in the discotheque for a closed group or just a small reception for your guests, we will always find the best and most advantageous option for a successful buffet and event.

Further information:

Pinta hall
- Classic dinner or hot and cold buffet with live music and dance floor
- Themed evenings with the possibility to have games of chance explained (promotional gaming tables)

- Closed parties in the discotheque with buffet option (finger food)
- The Arena hall with dinner and entertainment programme for closed groups
- The Calypso fine dining restaurant (Gault & Millau 3 toques) – closed groups Monday to Thursday

Luka Soban
Conference Centre Manager Luka Soban

Our goal is to create a unique and memorable story that will become a pleasant, lasting memory.